Podcast with Chris Schmeling on Fairtrade flowers amid COVID-19


Over the last year, the flower industry has felt the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In our latest podcast, Chris Schmeling, FLOCERT’s Regional Coordinator for Eastern Africa, discusses the severely hit flower industry and the unfolding crisis situation for Fairtrade flower producers.


Find out more about this episode’s guest!


Chris is a nature lover and has a passion for birding.

Chris Schmeling was born and raised in Tanzania where he currently lives. He started auditing for Fairtrade in 2002 as one of the first 6 local auditors in Africa.

In August 2007, he became Regional Coordinator for Eastern Africa,  being responsible for certification in essentially all of English speaking Africa and MENA.

Chris has a MA in Agricultural Engineering (Tropical Agricultural Sciences) from the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany.


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Andreea Corendea is the hostess of the FLOCERT podcast and our Marketing & Communications Officer.