
Fairtrace, our innovative assurance and collaboration platform connects Fairtrade certified organisations and establishes transparency and trust within the whole Fairtrade supply chain. It enables actors of Fairtrade supply chains to connect and communicate with their business partners and to report and verify Fairtrade volumes and Price and Premium payments.

With Fairtrace, FLOCERT has developed a platform that allows for the verification of transactions within Fairtrade supply chains. Fairtrace will thus bring together all Fairtrade certified organisations, creating a community true to the Fairtrade spirit, based on the common belief in producer empowerment and trust. It enables you as a Fairtrade certified organisation to connect and communicate with your business partners and report and verify Fairtrade volumes and Price and Premium payments. This allows for greater transparency and trust throughout the supply chain, creating a new level of assurance.

Fairtrace was originally launched in 2017 for actors of Fairtrade cocoa and cotton supply chains. Since then we have been onboarding most supply chain actors for all Fairtrade products. Throughout 2019, we are inviting all remaining Fairtrade certified actors to join Fairtrace.

For customers, Fairtrace brings a multitude of benefits:

  • Easy reporting: With the user-friendly online platform reporting and verifying transactions is simple and enables you to act and react in real-time.
  • Producer empowerment: As a producer you have better visibility and control of the Fairtrade volumes and Price and Premium payments reported by your buyers.
  • Better assurance: By reporting and verifying, the supply chain partners perform a “virtual handshake”, which leads to second-party verification of data. This allows for greater transparency and trust within the supply chain.
  • More efficient audits: Your audit becomes faster as more information is already available during audit preparation.
  • Greater collaboration: You get easy access to your suppliers and buyers.

Have a look at our additional materials below to see how Fairtrace works and how you can make the most of it. If you’d like to read more how Fairtrace can increase supply chain transparency, check out this blog post.

Having technical issues?

We can fix that! reporting@flocert.net