3 Questions to Wendy Yegon


Who is your hero?

WY: I will straight on and proudly say my papa; as a little girl I thought he was probably the strongest person in the whole universe and incredible Hulk could possibly never have a chance against him. Even the dreaded ghosts or monsters that would creep under the bed had no chance when he was at home, so the degree of safety I felt was immeasurable. But even today there are many other reasons to uphold my father’s hero status; he invariably possessed fundamental virtues and values that ultimately influenced my life to be who I am today.

What was your very first impression at FLOCERT?

WY: The office at the time was located close by the Rhine river in Bonn. The building was a classical architecture with a touch of baroque – intimidatingly stunningly beautiful. And I would sooner or later learn that the mighty building was just a façade; as soon as I stepped inside my first reckoning was that it wasn’t the usual suit and tie kind of environment that I expected or was used to! It was all so informal, people moving about in their shorts, jeans and even flip-flops! The air in the offices emitted volumes of multiculturalism and a totally laid back casual environment. And already on the first day it was evident that the organization had a very strong company culture holding the most hardworking, most motivated and friendliest personalities I had ever worked with.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

WY: An artist! Anything from singing, to writing poetry, drawing, making jewelry, making clothing etc. – I was lost in a jungle of creativity. After high school I wanted to be a fashion designer. I proudly presented my dreams to my father who looked at me, shook his head and told me to go for either a grey or a blue-collar career. “There is no future in dress-making” he went on. And seeing that I am now in a role where I can help improve the lives of thousands of farmers and workers I am very happy with my career choice. I’m still designing fashion as a hobby though.


With our “3 Questions to” blog series we introduce the people behind FLOCERT to you: The human side of certification!
Read also:

3 Questions to Christian Jambor, FLOCERT’s Head of Human Resources
3 Questions to Sugumar Raman, FLOCERT’s Director of Operations
3 Questions to Murugiah Rajasingham, one of FLOCERT’s auditors in Asia
3 Questions to Gillian Leschinsky, FLOCERT’s Certification Analyst Africa

Wendy Yegon, FLOCERT's Certification Manager Europe

Wendy Yegon is FLOCERT’s Certification Manager Europe. She also has an obsession for watches.