3 Questions to Sugumar Raman


Q: Who’s your hero?

Sugumar: I don’t have a single figurehead that I would consider as a hero. However, I feel constantly humbled and inspired by some of the normal people I have met in India and in Africa, who don’t forget to smile and remain positive, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable challenges that they face for their daily existence. It’s truly humbling, and something that I would like to emulate.

Q: What’s the most important thing you have learned at FLOCERT?

Sugumar: One of the most important learning during my tenure in FLOCERT is the fact that it is important to be “human”. If we address a topic in a straight, honest and ethical manner, then we will receive support, regardless of how challenging the decision may be.

Q: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Sugumar: Funnily, I was obsessed with military and defence related topics when I was a kid, and wanted to join the army. It was probably because I was attracted to all the technology and fighter jets and naval carriers. However, I would like to believe that I had subconsciously focused on a career path that relates to a larger purpose.


With our “3 Questions to” blog series we introduce the people behind FLOCERT to you: The human side of certification!
Read also:

3 Questions to Wendy Yegon, FLOCERT’s Certification Manager Europe
3 Questions to Christian Jambor, FLOCERT’s Head of Human Resources
3 Questions to Murugiah Rajasingham, one of FLOCERT’s auditors in Asia
3 Questions to Gillian Leschinsky, FLOCERT’s Certification Analyst Africa


Sugumar Raman, FLOCERT’s Director of Operations

Sugumar Raman is FLOCERT’s Director of Operations. He also has a quirky hobby – people watching.