EDGE Certification (en anglais)

With gender equality now high on the agenda, FLOCERT is helping an increasing number of companies become EDGE (Economic Dividends for Gender Equality) certified.
Operating across many different countries and industries, EDGE Certification helps create fair and mutually beneficial workplaces for women and men.
Wondering if EDGE is right for your organisation or business? Just email us:


EDGE is the world-leading global assessment methodology and business certification standard for gender equality that incorporates benchmarking, metrics and accountability.

How EDGE certification works

EDGE Certification is a robust approach to analysing your company’s status quo on gender equality and facilitating improvements to foster equal career opportunities. When you commission us to certify your organisation against the EDGE standard, we’ll verify your self-assessment of the five areas of analysis: equal pay for equivalent work, recruitment and promotion, leadership development training and mentoring, flexible working and company culture. To this aim, one of our qualified auditors will visit you at your premises. Once any potential inconsistencies have been corrected, you will receive an official EDGE certificate.

Benefits of EDGE certification

  • EDGE Certification ensures you design your journey to greater gender equality based on correct data and analysis.
  • Your EDGE certificate will act as the public face of your organization’s commitment to workplace gender equality.
  • Gaining visibility as a gender-enlightened organisation will help you attract and motivate the best female and male talent.
  • EDGE Certification verifies your commitment to gender equality and reflects your credibility and progressive thinking


  • As the certifier for Fairtrade, we hold 15 years’ proven experience delivering unparalleled global certification and verification services.
  • Whether you are certifying multiple locations or just one, we make doing business with us simple and easy by providing you one point of contact.
  • Our business services are reliable and independent. So much so, that we’re the first ethical certification body with an ISO accreditation.
  • We’re a social business. We’re driven to promote sustainability, champion equality, and help organisations demonstrate their positive impact in the world.
  • Our expansive network of dedicated staff and auditors means we can offer local knowledge right across the globe.

Want to know more about the certification process? Contact us at business@flocert.net.



More Autres Standards ou Programmes

Besides EDGE certification we also offer Fairtrade certification and Social Audits. Find out more by clicking on one of the links below:


Certification FairtradeSocial Audits (en anglais)